Confession: I am a Boring Marketer

Sometimes people complain that watching professional sports are boring. This is because the athletes are that - professionals - and they are executing. Like two professional boxers in a ring tactically executing their plan. What sets true professionals apart is their unwavering focus on skillful execution rather than flashy displays. They do not need to showboat or proclaim themselves as the best to excel; it is often those who work in silence that pack the hardest punch.

In marketing, as in sports, success comes from consistent and disciplined execution. Rather than chasing after the latest trends or resorting to flashy tactics, true professionals prioritize strategic planning and methodical execution.

Sometimes people complain that my marketing is repetitive. I take pride in that. It means I have done an effective job.

I do not make it up as I go. I do not drop everything when a new shiny idea comes up. I do not work in a panic. Everything is planned and timed. I am a consistent factory and repetitive. And it is intentional. I tactically execute a plan, over and over.

Marketing is not about bits of creativity or random acts of marketing better known as RAM - it is about doing. It is about consistency and doing.

It is not about authenticity or your personal life. People buy solutions to their problems, not to support your dream. They do not fund your passion.

The goal of marketing is to make it clear that you have a solution to their problem and then make it easy for them to buy it. That is it. It sounds boring, but it works.

You should think about these four tips when you are marketing your own business:

  1. Use Ads to address unexpected problems people did not know they had. These often occur in urgent situations, like pest infestations or plumbing emergencies, or when they are in need of that final piece to complete their project – whether it is a gift, meal, outfit, or tool. Your ad positions you ready to offer the solution before your competitors even enter the picture.

  2. Use Email to remind people you have a solution to their problem. We take for granted that people we know and have worked with will remember that we exist when they need us. The reality is that life gets busy, competition is fierce, and information overload is real. It is our duty to remind them that we exist and cut through the noise and distractions.

  3. Use Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, for when people are searching for a solution to their problem. These are people that are actively seeking solutions so you have to show up. Effective SEO positions you as the first responder in their time of need, ready to offer the solution ahead of your competitors.

  4. Use Social Media to tell people you exist. What you sell may not be something people even knew existed so they may not be searching for it, take advantage of social media to introduce them. Stay consistent - remind people you are here, what you offer, and how you can help. Keep up a regular social media presence to catch potential customers' attention and stay top-of-mind when they are ready to buy.

A real business, serious about growing and making money, does marketing. If you are not doing marketing, you may want to reconsider how serious you are about your business and its future. 

I am a #buzzword free, common sense digital marketer helping businesses grow with custom, strategic online marketing through everything from ads, email, search engines, social media + design. If you want magic beans, go somewhere else. If you want boring tactical execution of a marketing plan that works, book a call.